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Premier ‘Pitch Perfect’ Service

Premier ‘Pitch Perfect’ Service

Nu-way Service department, in conjunction with pitch heating installers, K.E.Pryor and sons of Hull, have just completed the annual servicing of several under-pitch heating systems for leading UK Premier League Football and Rugby clubs, prior to the cold weather returning.

Nu-way’s well known oil and gas fired burners, provide a reliable heat source into hot water boilers, which then circulate warm water under the sports pitches, to keep them free of frost and ice, for thousands of adoring fans to enjoy their favourite sports every weekend.

Initial design and installation of the systems, along with regular expert maintenance by Ken Pryor and Nu-way engineers, is important in ensuring year round use of these world famous iconic grounds.

With the vast amount of money involved in football, especially, these days, and international television rights, having a frozen pitch on a Saturday is not an option for English & Scottish Premier League clubs!

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